Why is the world rushing headlong into environmental armageddon?

by Dr. Tom Termotto

Is there any doubt that planet Earth has been undergoing an environmental armageddon for decades?  We are not just referring to the spate of oil spills all over the world such as the BP Gulf Oil Spill, or the many other toxic deluges which go unreported unlike the Hungary Toxic Sludge Disaster, or the ongoing destruction of the world’s rainforests like those being systematically wiped out in the Amazon Basin.  We are also alluding to the “unseen” worldwide chemical apocalypse, the global proliferation of electro-pollution (EMR), the major uptick in both man-made geological and natural geopathic stress events on the micro and macro levels, as well as the relentless contamination of living environments throughout the planet with radioactive byproducts and pollution.

There are many other forms of ecological apocalypse taking place which, when viewed in the aggregate, are taking an immense toll on human, animal and plant life. Many of these ongoing assaults against the biosphere have unforeseen and collective ramifications which are extremely far-reaching and of great consequence to the viability of the planet.

Just how far-reaching?  How consequential?  Are these environmental issues, which have been occurring for well over a century, so urgent that we need to address them now?  Does the fate of humankind really lie in the balance?  How about the future of the planet itself?

Clearly, Mother Earth has been sending a barrage of urgent and emphatic messages to her billions of human inhabitants for many decades.  She has done this via every mode of planetary communication – droughts and deluges, plagues and pestilence, earthquakes and volcanoes, hurricanes and tornadoes, mudslides and sinkholes, wildfires and avalanches, etc.  And, yet, we continue to ignore them at our peril.  Few understand that humanity will continue to suffer from a ever-increasing outbreak of alphabet soup diseases, multi-infection syndromes and infectious disease epidemics which have exploded on the healthcare landscape during the 21st century (a trend which was first established during the second half of the last century).

Our present reality on planet Earth is quite well marked by an inordinate number of planetary tipping points — countless thresholds beyond which environmental health and ecological balance quickly deteriorate — as well as a myriad of critical breaking points throughout the global technosphere.  We wonder out loud where all this will lead to when these various mutually reinforcing trajectories start intersecting as they did with an earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdown/crisis in Japan.

As we update this report on Thursday, June 16th, 2011, we are reminded by the following recent headline from Omaha, Nebraska how the confluence of these trajectories, especially where it concerns the nuclear power industry, can develop into Fukushima-like disasters:
Fort Calhoun Nuclear Generating Station in Danger of Flooding

May we speak plainly about the awesome challenges which humanity is now facing?  Truly, the fate of the planet lies in the balance at this great juncture between the ages.  The future of humanity is being determined every moment by the collective consciousness and actions of every resident of planet Earth.  As a race, there can be no doubt that we have veered way off the straight and narrow, and have been going in a dangerous direction since the beginning of the industrial revolution.  We now “sit in the stink” of all the misguided foundational paradigms, which were laid down throughout the modern age of industry and commerce.

If one were to just consider the deleterious effects of the Hydrocarbon Fuel Paradigm alone around the globe, they would quickly see the ravages of this single industry – Oil & Gas – which in and of itself has wreaked havoc wherever oil rigs, natural gas platforms or refineries are found.  Waging war for oil and gas reserves, oil spills on land and undersea, awesome amounts of water and air pollution outside of spills, oil and gas pipeline explosions, despoliation of precious lands and water bodies for oil and gas, sinking oil tankers, exploitation and oppression of peoples who live on or near oil and gas deposits, refinery accidents and explosions, etc.

But back to the original question: Why is the world rushing headlong into environmental armageddon? How did we get here when the signs and messages at every milestone were so obvious about where the civilization was heading?

What follows is a partial list of major co-factors contributing to planetary environmental destruction, which must be considered, if one is to formulate a global response to this predicament.

  • Technospheric Breakdown – the entire planet is blanketed by a multi-faceted technosphere, all of which is in the steady state of disintegration, much of which is unseen; when the following 19 co-factors are overlaid, technospheric breakdown accelerates in profound and unpredictable ways
  • Inherently Unsustainable Platforms, Technologies, Process and Procedure across the board of modern civilization, especially throughout industry and infrastructure; profoundly flawed energy paradigms such as hydrocarbon fuel, nuclear power, fossil fuel and biomass/biofuel combustion are especially problematic
  • Equipment/Technology which has not been proportionately upgraded to meet obvious requirements, ever-growing needs, newly emerging challenges and contingencies of the 21st century
  • Urbanization of the World – proliferation of the megalopolis and all the inherent problems with such extraordinary population density; towering steel and concrete urban jungles now exist everywhere which produce immense and ever-increasing stresses on the land masses (e.g. Manhattan, Hong Kong)
  • Globalization of the Economy has exponentially increased energy usage for much unnecessary transport related to export/import commerce; centralization of decision-making power everywhere (e.g. EU) and subsequent incapacitation of local authority to respond appropriately to urgent and/or dire needs
  • Consumer Society has wantonly converted the natural resources of the planet into unnecessary consumer goods; artificial demand created by a global marketing machine (e.g. TV) which caters to a carefully cultivated materialistic mindset and lifestyle of 7 billion plus consumers (think of Pac-Man)
  • Throwaway Culture, the flip side of the consumer society, has given rise to literal mountains of trash on land and massive dead zones of garbage in the oceans; planned (and unplanned) obsolescence has created whole cities of discarded, “outmoded” technology and countless heaps of appliances, vehicles, equipment, and machinery
  • Destructive Technologies/Agendas  and their unintended consequences and unforeseen collateral damage – Eugenics, HAARP, DARPA, CERN (LHC), Chemtrails, GMOs, Nuclear Testing, Bio-engineered Pathogenic Microorganisms: Weaponized Plagues, Body Scanners, Water Fluoridation, Circumcision, Genetic Engineering
  • Mother Earth’s Rapidly Changing Vital Signs – Decreasing Magnetics, increasing Schumann’s Resonance, ocean current changes (altered Gulf Stream, stalled Loop Current),  increasing Greenhouse Gases, Ozone Layer depletion, shrinking bio-diversity, glaciers/polar icecaps accelerated melting, icebergs increasing, sea level rise, Jet Stream shifting southward
  • Accelerating Uptick in Seismic Activity and Vulcanism around the globe as demonstrated by the major earthquakes and volcanic eruptions of 2010/11/12; increasing number of mud volcanoes (mud domes); asphalt volcanoes and lava leaks; rising incidence of natural leaks/seeps of oil and gas; as well as methane vaporization
  • Global Climate Change due to major changes in the behavior/activity of the sun; Global Warming due to human activity and heating up of the earth’s core; Global Cooling due to vulcanism, chemtrails; Regional Drought or Deluge due to increased precipitation, shifts in major ocean currents (El Nino/La Nina) and alteration of prevailing winds; as well as epochal transformation of the entire solar system
  • World Shadow Government which uses divide and conquer strategy to control Earth’s natural resources; rule by Corporatocracy/Oligarchy/Plutocracy which lack any degree of social responsibility, respect for human life or stewardship for the planet
  • Unenlightened Government Leadership within the vast majority of nations, especially the overwhelming influence and misguided actions of those superpowers which dominate globally through military force and economic might.
  • Worldwide Economic Depression – Increasing unemployment/joblessness + general business contraction + real estate market collapse = declining tax base (and receipts/revenues) for every nation, state, province, county and city; shrinking budgets provide less money to maintain and repair infrastructure
  • Capitalism is in its Death Throes, which necessarily creates a worldwide climate of desperate exploitation of all the earth’s resources because fiat currency is soon to be devalued, before becoming worthless
  • Communism & Capitalism the fric and frac of 100 years of godless society – Wherever true spirituality is lacking (both isms are godless – one overtly, one covertly) common sense and reason always flee; then self destruction is a foregone conclusion so that the “phoenix” of a new order can rise from its ashes
  • Outworking of War as a means of (i) theft – the strong stealing natural resources and labor from the weak, (ii) genocide – depopulation and (iii) control of the masses – fear and chaos of war softens up a nation to accept a new control matrix (especially new forms of mind control programming re: Mother Earth)
  • Civilization always contains the Seeds of its own Destruction – Political, economic and social institutions and systems do reflect the predominant undergirding religious paradigms and philosophical blueprints. The more flawed and skewed these paradigms, the more imperfections appear throughout the structures of civilization.
  • End of Kali Yuga (aka the Iron Age) = End of Mayan Calendar (Long Count) – “2012” represents the inevitable transition between the ages including the Galactic Creation Cycle – a 13 year period distinguished by much more destruction than creation on the earth plane
  • Population Explosion exceeding 7 billion, and the material fulfillment of the real and perceived needs and/or wishes of so many human beings. The rapid depletion of natural resources, consequent production of industrial waste products and irreversible damage to the planetary environment are inevitable when the global population surpasses critical thresholds (the most serious issue facing humankind today)
  • Although this list goes on,  we’ll stop here, as the scope of this essay is limited to just one of these contributing co-factors.  Technospheric breakdown is certainly one of the most profound and significant of them all, given the current context of unprecedented and meteoric earth changes occurring within a modern, technological society known for the proliferation of the coastal megalopolis (e.g. NYC, LA, NOLA, Chicago, Boston, and Miami to name some of the largest USA urban areas.

    Technospheric Breakdown – a major co-factor in societal collapse

    Technospheric breakdown is something that occurs everywhere around the globe, 24/7, without interruption, and with tremendous repercussions.  Let’s start with anything that has been manufactured in the factories of the modern world or built on the surface of the Earth.  Simply put, everything is in the constant state of breaking down, degeneration, deterioration.  Makes sense, you say, but just how does this translate.

    What does this really mean when we say that every bridge is slowly breaking down, every road is in greater disrepair with each passing day, every reservoir is gradually degrading, every office building, every factory, every school, every home, etc. most of which adhered to very low building standards in the first place?

    What does it mean when the infrastructure for every sewer system, municipal water division, electrical grid, airport, railway station, etc. is in a slow but sure process of degrading and breaking down.  You might say, “Well we fix it.”  No, not quite.  You don’t just wake up one day and decide to fix the entire New York City subway system.  And, yes, that entire system would be found wanting today if subjected to a rigorous safety assessment and integrity testing.  Now multiply NYC times all the subway systems in the world in order to understand the enormity of this challenge.

    Many will respond to this type of scrutiny by saying, “Well I ride the NYC subway every day for years, and never had a problem.”  We don’t dispute that, but it does not speak for the future.  Here’s the point.

    There are many people today who simply will not fly anymore, unless they absolutely must.  They do not trust the airline industry and all the cost cutting and lax regulation and shoddiness of practice throughout the industry.  Not a good industry to have run by profiteers.  These “non-flyers” intuitively know that the worldwide fleets of aero-planes and jumbo jets and turboprops and helicopters is an aging group of flying dinosaurs, especially given the extraordinary assaults of the ever-changing weather patterns around the world.  Everything about the entire airline industry is in continuous technospheric breakdown.  This is not an area where many people feel comfortable cutting any slack, because the very slim margin of error can easily translate to a major airline catastrophe, and often does.

    If we look at this issue from an industrial viewpoint, we need to look no further than the recent Hungary toxic sludge disaster.  This aging reservoir, whose massive size just about guaranteed a collapse of this nature, especially in the absence of any effective regulation or maintenance, is a perfect example of the many other failures and accidents waiting to happen around the world.  This deluge of toxic, chemical sludge was the result of systemic failures across the board, where everything probably went wrong at the perfect time.  How often do we hear about the Perfect Storm that has been brewing for many days, months or years.

    Hurricane Irene Exposes Creaky American Infrastructure

    Clearly, the incidence of these perfect storms has increased geometrically over the past many years, and not without much input (read misguided initiative) and inaction (read willful neglect) on the part of those most responsible.  Whether this responsibility lies with a corporate overlord, government authority or other bureaucratic entity, it is virtually always the same story.

    As a nation, India illustrates just how much can go wrong in a single day due to these various perfect storms coming out of nowhere. Whereas the Union Carbide disaster in Bhopal is a dramatic example, one need only scan the daily national headlines to read about the latest train wreck, ferry sinking, bridge collapse, bus-over-the-cliff, chemical plant explosion, or GMO crop contamination.  It may come as a surprise to many that the status quo in India is where the rest of the world is heading as a result of the confluence of the many aforementioned co-factors of environmental degradation.

    Nuclear Meltdown at Fukushima

    Just like the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 was a defining moment for the Oil & Gas Industry, the TEPCO nuclear disaster of 2011 will go down in history when a sea change occurred throughout the worldwide Nuclear Power Industry. When all is said and done, this global catastrophe will signal the death knell for what is essentially a profoundly flawed industry (Read “NRC, industry rewrite history: Nuclear power plants were designed to last 40 years”.  After all the disinformation, misinformation, and false information is weeded out, it will again be determined that corporate entities and government cannot be trusted to manage the operations and oversee the functions, respectively, of this inherently destructive energy source and technology platform. How could they under any circumstances, given such a tenuous energy paradigm?!

    Fukushima has revealed so many weak links in this chain of tin foil that the world community will be forced to confront them with resolve and focus. With continued earthquake activity throughout the same region, Mother Earth will see to it that this industry finally faces up to it extremely problematic model of operation. Iodine 131, cesium 134 and cesium 137 releases can no longer be waved off and downplayed. Nor can the proliferation of the radioactive isotopes of uranium (U-238), plutonium (Pu-238, Pu-239, Pu-240) and strontium (Sr-90), especially the extent to which they continue to contaminate the environment in Japan, as well as the Pacific Ocean.

    Perhaps the greatest disservice, which both government and industry have performed during this ongoing disaster, is their failure to disseminate accurate, timely and useful information to those who need it the most.  How else can residents anywhere around the world respond to either manmade catastrophes or natural disasters (Fukushima represents both) except through the sharing of vital and necessary info which is required to make informed decisions about their future? And especially about the health and well-being of their family and loved ones .

    One of three explosions at Fukushima Daiichi nuke plant

    Nothing in recent memory represents technospheric breakdown more dramatically and poignantly than the ongoing nuclear reactor meltdowns at the Fukushima atomic power plants in Japan.  This is the quintessential example of how the perfect storm (9.0 earthquake, 15 meter tsunami, HAARP, Stuxnet, extremely lax regulatory oversight, overwhelming TEPCO negligence, Government iron control of info dissemination, hidden nuclear weapons program in reactor #3 indicated by mox fuel rods containing plutonium etc.) can reveal the paradigmatic flaws of an energy production technology, particularly one as vulnerable as nuclear energy is.

    What is so predictable throughout this entire scenario is the joint response (Was it coordinated?) by the Japanese Government and TEPCO, both of which are responsible for these misplaced nuclear plants throughout the whole earthquake-prone island.  The US Government and NRC, France (“Lets’s begin to make nuclear energy production safe!”), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR), among many other interested parties have, as expected, issued public statements and reacted “privately” in ways that have only served to support this completely untenable energy paradigm.

    Especially with the dramatic uptick in seismic activity and vulcanism around the world, how could it ever make sense to promote such a risky, polluting and dangerous energy- producing technology like N U C L E A R   E N E R G Y?!  Wouldn’t the overwhelming human health hazards and extraordinary environmental impacts associated with every stage and aspect of the nuclear energy industry (witness Chernobyl as well as the ongoing horror show at Fukushima) compel reasonable decision-makers to avoid it like the plague, before it causes its own plague?

    The most important question here is: Why did Japan build 55 nuclear reactors and counting on the most seismically active piece of property in the world?
    The following essay may provide some significant answers:
    Japan: A Nation Consigned To Nuclear Armageddon

    The larger the technological society, the more pervasive the breakdown

    It is important to understand that everything in our civilization is in the state of constant SLOW MOTION breakdown.  Therefore, the more technology there is to breakdown, the more computers, and sensors, and fax machines, and relays, and compressors, and digital cameras, and automobiles, and airplanes, and super-carriers, and ocean liners, and supertankers, and electrical power lines, and cell phones, and cell phone towers, and transformers, and power plants, and oil rigs, and natural gas platforms, and bulldozers, 18 wheelers, moving cranes, and railroad tracks, trains, & stations, etc. will be caught up in the relentless cycle of failure, mishap and disintegration.

    That the greatest degree of this ongoing process of technospheric disintegration is always taking place under the radar is the biggest problem of all.  Out of sight; out of mind.  When very few even know about such an insidious and inexorable phenomenon, who or what organization is going to do anything about it?  As for those who do understand – usually academics in institutions of higher learning who have very little influence with those in power to effectuate the necessary changes – they typically look at the many symptoms rather than the core issues which require radical and, what is often considered to be, socially unacceptable change.

    Indeed, the Industrial Age brought upon us most of what is breaking down very quickly these days, and frequently with greater and greater consequences.  Therefore, it can be stated with certainty that the deeper we move into this age, the more evidence we will see of a technological society caught up in an ever quickening downward spiral of technological degeneration and subsequent societal collapse.

    Just as all the largest cities of the world (aka megalopolis) will eventually become black holes of microcosmic technospheric breakdown – because of either the impossibility or impracticality of maintaining so much infrastructure, some of which is virtually inaccessible – so too will much of the global technospheric superstructure become vulnerable to the same forces of time and flux.

    Modern society tried mightily to overlay many different technological and engineering platforms, one on top of the other in every place around the world, over many decades, and was able to get away with it for a while.  An exploding planetary population, however, got in the way.  As did the many instances of incompatibility and one shoe fit all approach to many of these overlays.  Just like you cannot force fit western-style capitalistic democracy onto nations emerging from a communist political economy, there are much smarter ways of integrating technology platforms in places that are far from a complex and sophisticated USA-type technological model.

    Why is there virtually no response to, or even acknowledgement of, these pressing matters facing humanity?

    The Powers That Be (TPTB) are fully aware of these many contributing factors to the ongoing global environmental armageddon.  By the way, environmental armageddon here is defined as any environment – local or global, national or regional, which is under assault, siege or war of any type which contributes to its destruction.  Disaster capitalism* – a TPTB creation if there ever was one – actually thrives in the current climate, and is an established policy which was formulated at the highest reaches of covert world governance in order to capitalize on the many inevitable manifestations of technospheric breakdown.  Why not make money on it, as well as utilize it to exact greater command and control on the entire planetary prison system?  They refer to it as the PPP – the Permanent Planetary Prison.

    *Disaster capitalism, along with environmental terrorism and corporate sabotage, are routinely employed by the TPTB to bring about selective ecological apocalypse.

    TPTB do have unfettered access (they own it all) to the best and most advanced technology on Earth, and therefore, they know full well exactly what is in front of the world community.  Their interest is not in fixing roads or replacing antiquated electrical grids; that would cost too much of their money and give us too many jobs?  They also have access to some very serious reverse-engineered technologies that allow them to spy on the far reaches of the universe.  In so doing, they have an immediate understanding of what truly is coming down the pike relatively fast and furiously.  Just a glimpse of the major changes occurring on and in all the other planets in our solar system (which they view daily from their many high-powered telescopes) is enough to put them on notice about the unstoppable planetary changes around the proverbial corner.

    Because so much of technospheric breakdown is taking place in slow motion and is imperceptible by our senses, very few of us even know it’s happening.  Even those of us who are aware often fail to notice its effects on our life or grasp its pervasiveness in our own little worlds, much less the greater one.  In this regard we, as a race, could be likened to the story of the frog who sits in the warm water (WARNING: cruel frog experiment) that is increased daily by one degree until he boils to death … and does so without complaint.         Truly, this IS the current predicament of the entire human race.

    So, why the blog if this ineluctable devolution of the planetary landscape and technosphere cannot be altered or addressed in any meaningful way (How do you effectively address the environmental carnage and ecological mayhem known as Mumbai, Tokyo, Sao Paulo or NYC anyhow?!).  Because knowledge and relevant information can be quite empowering.  For those who wish to stay out of harms way, an awareness of what is going on around you, or what very likely could happen near you, can be very self-preserving, Yes?

    The good folks living in Kolontar, Hungary living downstream from the toxic sludge reservoir, which was also used as a dumping site for all sorts of poisonous heavy metal wastes, probably would have assumed a different posture if they really knew what was in their backyard.  Mind you, there are thousands of similar toxic reservoirs and chemical holding ponds around the world with even fewer safeguards and less oversight in place. Here’s a comment left by a thoughtful reader of our previous blog on the Hungary catastrophe:


    “The thing that struck me most about this story was not that it ruptured, nor that they lied and said the sludge was not dangerous; but the acceptance of the idea to simply store HUGE, open air, toxic waste in the first place.

    When looking at the pictures, I was amazed how BIG this project is. And the reservoir is near full. It is no doubt, seeping into the lower land levels and water tables and interacting with the air. But that someone thought it was a swell idea to simply store thousands of cubic meters (does anyone actually know how much?) of toxic, heavy metal sludge in an above ground, man-made lake is simply (beyond) amazing to me.”

    – James A. Jancik (host of Feet to the Fire Radio)


    Although we have only scratched the surface of #1 – Technospheric Breakdown, we are compelled to continue the larger discussion by taking a closer look at #6 – Unsustainable Platforms, and more specifically at the most destructive and pervasive energy source and technology platform in existence – the Hydrocarbon Fuel Paradigm.

    Tom Termotto, BCIM, DCAE
    Healthcare Professionals For Clean Environment
    Submitted on October 17, 2010

    “When scientific knowledge and applied technology reach a certain level of advancement, without being informed by spiritual truths and guided by moral authority, the current civilization will relinquish its right to continue as it is.”

    Author’s Note:
    Please understand that this essay is first and foremost a reality check.  It is meant to inform, educate and explore deeply matters of which most are unaware, yet would want to know about.  In this way many will be in a position to make more informed decisions about their life, their location and their destiny.
    Given the true state of  the world environment, it is not an easy read, yet this story must be told … by someone.  Perhaps the children, the teenagers, the college kids and young adults will apprehend the urgency to take back their planet.  Then we can follow their lead into a future scenario that does not seem so bleak.
    No matter what the future holds in store, we fully acknowledge that all is unfolding as it should.  And that there does exist a perfection even in the current state of earthly affairs. As planet Earth has always been about a schoolroom, where it is understood that the students would conduct many experiments which would not go well . . .  nevertheless, everything is a manifestation of the inherent perfection of creation, and its evolution.
    Lastly, we sincerely hope that through these revelations there is a raising of awareness about the needful condition of Mother Earth, as well as how we got here.  Even if the consciousness does not sufficiently expand concerning the condition of our “nest”, there will always be the collective memory – both cultural and cellular – which will travel with us as we journey to other planes of existence after this lifetime.  Perhaps then it will serve us in such a way so as to preclude the eventualities, which are about to take place during the upcoming years,  from happening elsewhere in the universe.

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    26 Responses to Why is the world rushing headlong into environmental armageddon?

    1. Darth Maul says:

      The meek shall inherit the earth and the rest of us shall escape to the stars. I hope the earth looks like the moon when the evil ones emerge from their bomb shelters. We all came from the universe, lets all just go home. Welcome to the winning side.

    2. Tom says:

      Thank you for your great blog. I think things are going get much worse before they get better. But hopefully, disseminating information like you do may help people think twice about just how much degradation of their world they are willing to overlook.

    3. Jamie bejune says:


    4. Karen Husemeyer says:

      Where is the anti-gravity car? And solve aging and the way to another earth-type planet in another solar system too!!

    5. and on top of all that (although I think you covered it under unstable platforms) we have these “boys with their toys” boffins frying the upper atmosphere with their Devils HAARP………

    6. pcolagregg says:

      There is no truth being reported by the MSM – they are State Controlled Media – THAT is EXACTLY why I do the reporting I do everyday – trying to show people the truth of what is REALLY happening here…

    7. Concrete man says:

      Thank you Tom for your amazing work. I have been studying environmental issues for twenty years and you summarize the whole mess with such a comprehensive overview and precise language of the interlocking details that everyone must hear this message!
      Solutions –
      Solar Done Right

      Why painting wind turbines PURPLE could protect birds and bats from being killed by their blades

    8. DJamil says:

      Thank you…Keep up the good work. We need to come together as the intelligent, creative, loving beings that humans are now for our children and all living beings…

    9. Pingback: A reminder: Dr. Riki Ott’s announcement to Gulf Coast residents « The Ladies' Guide to the Apocalypse

    10. Pingback: Why is the World Rushing Headlong into Environmental Armageddon? | Phoenix Rising from the Gulf

    11. Disclaimer: There has been just a little discussion on the internet about whether this reality check has a tinge of doom and gloom. By no means is this the author’s intention. But, let’s face it, sometimes a reality check can be quite difficult to watch. He would like to pose the following question for every concerned reader to seriously consider:
      When you’re watching an 18 wheeler – with a full payload of gold-painted lead bars which were switched in a double-cross from freshly minted gold ingots – barreling down a very steep and winding mountainside road, and the steering wheel is broken, the brake lines have been cut, the windshield’s been shattered, 16 of 18 wheels have come off, the driver has just suffered massive cardiac arrest while the guy riding shotgun has just finished his 4th six pack … and now it’s careening toward a cliff side overlooking a deep, dark chasm … … … I think we all get the picture.

      The Blogmaster

    12. Pingback: Why is the World Rushing Headlong into Environmental Armageddon? | Be Good Stewards of Mother Earth

    13. Thank You Tom,
      Throwing stones in a pond creates a ripple, Dumping poisons a human creates death and decay. There are very few people that I know that are healthy. There is no disease that is not created by environmental problems.
      Diabetes-food toxicity
      Cancers-Chemical, Estrogen Disruption, Carcinogens in the Environment and dangerous daily habits. Mercury, almagams, plastics leeching from poor dentistry. Pesticides, plastics http://www.certichem.com, diets filled with GMO’s http://www.seedsofdeception.com Airplaine emmissions loaded with MTBE, Barium and dangerous emissions.
      Upsurges in Parasitic diseases- Lyme, Cholera, Morgellons, Malaria, caused by insects that see the human bioterrain as a rotting log and scientists tinkering with nature along with the pesticides that no longer are effective.
      Pasteur said….It is all about the Microbe.
      Beauchamp ….said it’s all about the Terrain.
      On Pasteurs deathbed he called Beauchamp to his side and said….”You are correct it is all about the Terrain.
      Hatred caused by misguided people who think their way is the only way, so lets wipe out a whole country of hundreds of thousands of citizens.
      Wars and the US thinking that it needs to control everything and everyone and shove democracy down their throats.
      Every thing goes back to money….oil, power and greed.
      The British brought Small Pox into our country by bringing it to the American in Blankets.
      We experimented on unwitting people by spraying the Mycobacterium weaponized,
      on Canadian citizens, only to have them injecte this into mosquitoes and dump it in Punta Gorda and surrounding areas. This is where the first cases of Fibromyalgia,
      Chronic Fatigue and other “pseudo diseases” that scientists say aren’t real began.
      J Lo and Merck, Smith and Dolme, made a fortune on this by creating DRUGS to treat it. Read the Donald Scott papers http://www.whale2/mscott7. html
      Gulf war syndrome from the spraying of pesticides and giving our soldiers unapproved drugs and Vaccines.
      Now 20-40 million people on the Gulf Coast need evacuated because a Government of the Coporation, by the Corporation and for the Corporation allowed this to occur, even against the advice of the EPA.
      GI’s getting Breast Cancer and other cancers due to the dumping of chemicals in the drinking waters in Camp Lejune.
      Institutes of brainwashing Higher Learning who focus on funding and money and not on the Human Condition.
      I don’t know my country any more, I love it’s people and detest its politics.
      Leaders on the take for money and power.
      Sending munitions to other countries only to have them turn them back on us.
      The Water and Ocean is God, We grew up on the waters and I learned to respect her.
      What has man done, in his greed.
      Keeping people alive on machines at their end of life, due to our beliefs that there is nothing after this and our greed of losing our loved ones and allowing them to suffer even if they are 90 years old:
      Lastly a poem for humanity:
      I have no fear……
      Beyond this exit…..There is an entrance door.
      Again Thank You Tom and may we all pray for healing not just for the earth but for the people. This is our wake up call.
      Trisha Springstead RN MS

    14. Rebecca Bonnell says:

      WOW…That was some well written article. Truly an eye opener, but then this is meant to be unfortunately, man destroying himself, just wish it didn’t have to be this way. It’s so hard watching,listening and reading about all the destruction of our beautiful planet and the wildlife, that we think we are so clever with our inventing and prolonging lives…for what? If we could have learned to live in harmony with the world like the Red Indians of America and other similar native tribes around the globe this planet would have lasted longer…We are the true Aliens. And not content with destroying this planet we are in a hurry to find another to bugger up! But ”THANK GOD” that shall not happen.
      Thankyou Tom for the enlightenment and also Trisha for your eloquent and succinct response. Well done to both of you and others for their reply as it show’s their are some who still care.
      I wish you all well
      Rebecca Bonnell

    15. cassie1230 says:

      What your thoughts are concerning the horrific storms in the middle of the the USA and if it is has any relevance to proceed any increased seismic activity in the Mississippi area or could they be related to the Nuclear Disaster in Japan?

    16. Cassie1230, In one word – “Yes” – and in two words, “Hell, Yes” for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
      This is the end of an era but I do not believe in the End of the life of the Human Spirit.
      So many are sick. I have sat with fishermen and Oystermen, salt of the earth. They are not stupid, Cassie. Lack of a formal education does not mean stupid.
      If we would help anyone who couldn’t read or write and take the to the DA in every county, we can file against the the powers that they think they be. The DA has to take our complaints seriously. We must unite in love and light for our brothers. Love to You,

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